
Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Paradoxical Juncture in the Modern Society in India

The purpose of this writing is to throw some light to the mindsets of modern era societies. The significant thing is that what we have been telling and believing over the decades is Indian society is a rich blend of traditional culture and modern practices with a heritage value. Yah .. It's true ... Nobody is denying that. But this is also a true fact the most number of people having faith in superstition live in India. Is that what is expected from us? We have been telling over the years that we are the one who are always in the forefront in respecting elders. Still lot of elders are being molested and harassed everyday by their own kin nowadays. The amount of money expended every year to protect the high profile politicians and other celebs in exchange of millions of common people's life is only possible in India. Only in India people are dying for food where SIM card is free of cost. Baby-foods are quite expensive as compared to the body-sprays, perfumes and deodorants. Yes this is only possible in India. Kissing in public is a criminal offense, Fine! But honor-killing! Isn't that a crime?

Tell me one thing truly ..........  Have you ever thought why the number of scientists is so less in India as compared to other 1st world countries? The reason is simple. Whereas in US, huge amount of money is allocated for research & development in every fiscal budget, but in India only a meager amount is allocated for scientific & technological research. Because Indian government thinks that these all are useless. They think Indians are neither intelligent nor brilliant enough to carry on research projects. More importantly whatever research-projects are in progress specially at the national level, most of them are in the form of pilot projects. Why? Then should we assume that the government is not confident enough to invest a bigger value for research projects? This situation is absolutely obnoxious. At the same time have a look at the US, even after the Columbia disaster, they did not lose confidence on themselves. Rather they did fight back with another great invention of Discovery Space Shuttle. It's an exemplary footstep of US government which will definitely inspire others to think in that way. Another thing is that the our national labs are getting scarce everyday in number as huge no. of equipments are left damaged within the labs and nobody is not paying heed to this miserable situation. And if you see about the role of Indian media in this regard! Can you remember a recent accident where a space shuttle designed by ISRO was burnt into ashes just after few minutes on launching? That time the role of the media was really "interesting"!  Have you seen any noticeable coverage by any of those print or electronic media? No ... because this news was not quite lucrative enough for making significant profit. "Money does really matter"! They just seemed to be deaf and dumb as nothing serious had happened. There are also a bunch of examples of this sort of yellow-journalism.

It's far more lucrative to interfere to any celebs's personal life and make gossips out of it and cover every minute details of their day-to-day affairs. Because people want BREAKING NEWS & SCANDAL EXPOSED. Isn't it? After all, news-making is a business now ! How will you survive in the keen competition unless you can entertain people with your products? Yah ... news is a product now ....

Can we, common people avoid the responsibility for the decline of innovative scientific & technological research in India? No we can't .... How many of us really encourage our children and promote them to become scientist and to work something exceptional for the good for society? I think, everybody has a general social responsibility irrespective of their diverse professions.

Think twice ..........

Thank you for having time reading this post ...........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A few words for Learning English ...........

First of all before going to the details I like to remind you that once I said it is very important to write down whatever thoughts or speculations are wriggling in your mind all at once in a piece of paper or anywhere else, so that you will not get jumbled up with it again.

Ok ....... enough babbling ..........

Let's try to enlighten to some of those things one by one .......

i.)  Before writing anything in English you must be grammatically correct. Sorry, there is no alternative way. You just can't escape from it.
ii.) At first, try to collate the entire idea and draw a picturesque in your mind upon which your article will be based on.
iii.) You have to properly coin the words like formal, informal, slang usages (wherever and whenever necessary) so that your characterization perfectly fits to the tee. Increase vocabulary everyday by any means. Cue Card techniques might be a great choice.
iv.) Your only objective has to be to make the entire story visualized to the reader and create an irresistible interest among them.
v.) Try to make the story concise and crisp. Don't fill it with exaggerated words or events otherwise making it monotonous and people will turn away from your article.
vi.) As far as speaking English is concerned, it is always desirable to speak it like a native speaker. Learning a particular subject can no way reach to the fine grained quality and perfection which can only be achieved by congenital means.
vii.) Before going to the finer details related to pronunciation, articulation, accents etc. you must watch out for any other hidden mistakes in word coinage or anything else.
viii.) Try to give the feel of imperceptibility and handle it with proper delicacy.
ix.) And last but not the least, usages of only difficult and hard words can never make your story popular in public. Keep in mind.
x.) The most important thing whether you are willing to learn English for any sort of requirement or you just love to being with the language.
xi.) If you fall in love with English, then only you will be able to master a particular specially a foreign language.
xii.) To master a language you are not born with, you have to sink yourself pretty much inside that environment.
xiii.) There are so many words, phrases, colloquial terminologies, usages which we really don't explore while learning English. Learning a new thing is always a lovely experience for anybody, be it a language or be it anything else. English is such a great language which is etymologically superior than any other language and has highest compatibility over most of the most spoken languages all over the world. This is a true fact that we, the Indians are using only 10%-20% of its gigantic resource.
xiv.) Another important thing which I forgot to mention is the MOTHER-TONGUE-INFLUENCE. It's a major problem in the non-speaking countries where other local vernaculars play a vital role in communication. To eradicate this particular problem, you have to tactfully evade the places, situations, people who are uncomfortable in speaking English. Being a rich language & having diverse dialects across the world, it's also influenced by various local languages. Once you get into the environment, just try to sink in it. However, most of us are having this sort of problems. So, no worries.
xv.) There are so many ways you can reach to that capability level. Watch only English TV shows, tele-serials, dramas, and of course newscasts, and lot of movies too. Listen English Radios all the time. Read Story-Books, Novels especially of contemporary writers. You just have to be with that language as much time as possible. There is no other way out. See, you can form a group comprising 3/4 persons and arrange group discussions on current affairs or may be on some bizarre topics. WATCH-READ-LISTEN-SPEAK this language all the time. That's all. Sorry again for my garrulity.

Just take a quick look at :- .

I think you will get a better picture after reading this page.

Thank you ...........................

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